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Re: Dictatorship not Democracy

Posted by brightonr68 on Thu May 5 18:30:10 2016, in response to Dictatorship not Democracy, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed May 4 22:18:53 2016.

Let's take a serious look at the "vison zero" effort to reduce traffic fatalities.

Have you seen one sign at an intersection that tells pedestrians to not enter or cross the street against the light? Or to look up and check to see if a car is turning?

The answer is NO. Vision zero is an anti-middle class/working class initiative designed to raise money nothing else.

Pedestrians IGNORE rules every day putting themselves in harm’s way.

It is a two sided process to reduce pedestrian injuries. The DOT has shown their cards 100% as being anti automobile for the reason that it is their ideology. They use statistics that don't actually tell the story that they want to tell but they insist they do.
They artificially reduced the speed limits on major roads such as Ocean Parkway in an effort to raise money through tickets. Going 30 or 35 on ocean parkway no way increases the likelihood of a pedestrian injury. It does not.
Drivers who do not signal, drivers who turn right from the middle lane without looking. These are dangerous behaviors that lead to pedestrian injury. These dangerous lane changes have increased since the speed limit has been reduced. In 25 years prior to the speed limit change on ocean parkway I was cut off by a car turning right from the middle lane of Ocean Parkway ZERO times. Since the speed limit change 4 times.


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