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Re: Dictatorship not Democracy

Posted by R30A on Thu Jun 23 23:20:26 2016, in response to Re: Dictatorship not Democracy, posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Jun 23 22:54:44 2016.

"As long as you are going to keep changing your position and lie about what you said or did not say, I am not going to waste any more time with you."
As I never changed any position, I see that you are still wasting time responding to me.

"I will only address your last comment about being fully paid for decades and contributing nothing to the organization."
You made the assumption that I was jealous. I really am not. My comment was sarcastic. I would be miserable if I was such a drain of resources that you are. I actually take pride in making things work.

"That comment alone takes away any credibility you might have had because you ARE MAKING ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT SOMETHING YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT."
LOL. I made no assumptions.

"As long as you are going to keep changing your position and lie about what you said or did not say, I am not going to waste any more time with you.

I will only address your last comment about being fully paid for decades and contributing nothing to the organization.

That comment alone takes away any credibility you might have had because you ARE MAKING ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT SOMETHING YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT."
You didn't have to repeat all that.

"You have no idea what I did during the 25 years I worked at the MTA so let me tell you about just three things. One, as part of the employee suggestion program, I recommended the MTA extend the B83 to Gateway via the Belt Parkway. They turned down the suggestion as they did most of my other suggestions."
Your suggestions clearly tend to fall between terrible and impossible, so it makes a lot of sense that few would be followed.

"It turned out they weren't aware they were allowed to operate buses on the Belt Parkway until I TOLD THEM THEY COULD WITH A DOT PERMIT. So they then spent FIVE years studying the validity of that short extension before implementing it. Then they started using the Belt also for run on and run off routes saving them money."
I trust their judgement over your opinion of their judgement. I doubt it actually came about as you said it.

"Compare five years it took them to make such a short extension with the four years it took me to get them to make ten major changes to bus routes working from an outside agency which is much more difficult."
Err... What is this even supposed to mean?

"You admit to being incredibly jealous of me because you believe the MTA didn't get their money's worth so let's see if you are right."
The statement was obviously snark. That said, they obviously did not get their money's worth.

"My salary with them started at $28,000 per year. I retired at 80,000 per year. So let's assume an average salary of $54,000. So they spent $1,350,000 on me. Let's add another million for pension for a total of $2,350,000."
OK. (but you aren't taking inflation into account, so it really is a lot more.)

"Well in a single day while at a Car Equipment, I found an error payment schedule in the payments for the R 44 overhaul which the accounting people overlooked. IT WAS A FOUR MILLION DOLLAR ERROR, that the contractor was forced to repay."
Wow! You actually did your job well for a day! Kudos!

"So I single handedly saved the MTA $4 million."
No. That assumes someone else wouldn't have caught it, assuming it happened the way you said.

"All I got was a thank you and there was no retribution to the person who made the error in writing the contract which the lawyers also overlooked."
Yes, that is how things work in the real world. Sorry they didn't suck your toes, or whatever else you wanted them to do to thank you.

"That doesn't include the $8 million the MTA received for the Blizzard of '96 from the insurance companies due to the spreadsheets I put together which took three years to complete. (30 volumes of documentation for all the MTA agencies) , but I can't take full credit for that because 20 others were also involved, but I was the lead person.
Then there is the $30 million I helped recover for 911 which I also worked on for a year and about 100 helped gather that data for the 10,000 pages of required documentation. I was the lead person for that also."
These are called... wait for it... actually doing your job!!! (and you consider that as your 38 million contribution when you admit the work was largely done by other people!!!)

"So let us summarize. Just for those three items which took about four of the 25 years, I saved the MTA $42 million and it cost them $2.3 million. I would say they got their money's worth."
I wonder how much would have been saved had a competent person been doing this. YOU didn't save the money. You contributed to the work which had to be done which ended up saving the money. Had you not been there, someone else would have done it, and likely done it better.

" You have every reason to be jealous because I am very proud of all my accomplishments."

"Your only possible response is to ask for proof and call me a liar."
I don't think you are lying about your past. I think you have delusions of grandeur related to your past, but as your misrepresentations are not intentional, they are not lies.


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