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Re: Dictatorship not Democracy

Posted by R30A on Fri Jul 1 11:55:59 2016, in response to Re: Dictatorship not Democracy, posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Jul 1 11:38:49 2016.

"It isn't possible to win a conversation with someone like you who constantly backtracks and changes his position when someone is trying to pin him down, so I won't waste my time discussing anything you stated here except for the one point of saving $4 million a day."
You keep claiming you won't respond yet you do. funny how that works. I don't change my position unless new information comes to light.

"This is what transpired:
I stated that the MTA got their money's worth with me after you accused me of accomplishing nothing in my 25 year career with them. I pointed out that with the help of others I was able to save the MTA $42 million including $4 million that I saved singlehandedly one day in 1993 by spotting an error where the contractor was paid $4 million twice for the same work because of a confusing contract payment schedule."
Other than the 4 million, the rest of the claims you make are very much not actually saving money. They are simply doing a task for which anybody they assigned to would have managed to obtain the federal money.

"Without any proof whatsoever, you alleged that someone else would have spotted that error if I had not."
Yes. That is what people do. They find errors. I doubt many substantial errors I have found would not have been found by others had I not found them.

"Then you also stated that I did my job for one day which was also in direct contradiction to your statement that I never accomplished anything."
To be perfectly blunt, I don't think you have ever accomplished anything that would not have been done better by somebody else.

"Then you further stated that saving $4 million a day was only part of my job duties."
I have never implied that you should have saved $4 million a day. To be perfectly blunt again, I doubt you actually saved $4 million.

"And now you are denying that you ever stated my job was to save the MTA $4 million a day."
Correct. Because I never made such a claim.

"Well, that's how you spot a liar. It is someone like you who constantly changes his positions regarding what he said because he can't even remember his previous statements."
I never changed my position here.

"You have proved without a doubt that you have ZERO CREDIBILITY."
Considering your penchant for dishonesty and delusional behavior, I really could not receive a higher compliment.

"My statements have all been consistent except for the one time when I mistakenly stated $25 billion instead of $45 billion."
You can be consistent all you want- That still does not make you right. I can say the sky is neon green every day- such would be a consistent claim, yet it would be consistently false. I will give you that you are very consistent. The reliability of your statements is such that if you claimed the sky is blue, I'd double check to be sure. If you claimed gravity still exists, I'd drop something on the floor to be sure.


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