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Re: Dictatorship not Democracy

Posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Jun 24 11:24:51 2016, in response to Re: Dictatorship not Democracy, posted by R30A on Thu Jun 23 23:20:26 2016.

Okay let's analyze your post.

You previously stated that you are consistent and do not change your mind and do not make assumptions.

You also stated that you are incredibly jealous because I accomplished nothing during my 25 years at the MTA and received a great salary and pension. The only people who would be jealous are those with a poor salary and pension. THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN YOU STATEMENT TO INDICATE SARCASM.

So when I called you out on it and PROVED how a $2.3 million investment by the MTA netting them $42 million, your response was that I did not account for inflation and they obviously did not get their money's worth. SO HOW DO YOU CONCLUDE THAT?

Well inflation works both ways. The $4 million I saved was in 1993. So how much would you say that was worth today in 2016 as I am continuing to get my pension? Then you state if I didn't catch the error, someone else would have caught it. ANOTHER ASSUMPTION ON YOUR PART FOR SOMEONE WHO NEVER MAKES ASSUMPTIONS.

The fact is that the time to catch the error was between the time when the contract was written in the late 80's and before the contractor was paid in 1992. I discovered the error on contract closeout about six months after the contractor was paid, long after Capital Accounting approved the payment. IT WAS THEIR JOB TO CATCH THE ERROR NOT MINE, and they failed to do that.

Then you have the gall to suggest that my job was to save the MTA $4 million for every day I worked there. So I guess according to you it was all MY FAULT that the Second Avenue subway was not built because I wasn't doing my job of saving the MTA $4 million everyday because the MTA would have had $25 billion more in their budget if I were doing my job correctly. LOL.

You don't think I deserved a bonus or promotion for doing something beyond my job description and saving $4 million. Most promotions are based on who you know, not what you did. That is only one of the things wrong with the MTA.

And of course you diminish my accomplishment for helping to recoup $30 million by saying I was only doing my job and the fact that 100 others were involved. I guess you never heard of team work. The entire team deserves credit. But I did the most work not the 100 others, so you are WRONG once again. They each worked about a month, while I spent three years on that project exclusively,

Then you have the nerve to assume that a "competent" person would have saved more in less time. AGAIN YOU ARE MAKING FALSE ASSUMPTIONS BASED ON ZERO FACTS. But you NEVER make assumptions, and you NEVER need facts. WHAT A JOKE YOU ARE!!!!!'

Then you can't understand a simple sentence which I shouldn't have to explain. I made major changes to ten bus routes working from an outside agency. Those changes should have taken two years to accomplish. Instead it took four years due to constant roadblocks thrown at us by the MTA, so it took four years, twice as long as it should have taken.

By contrast, ONE MINOR bus route change WHICH I SUGGESTED, took the MTA FIVE YEARS to study and implement and they implemented that change internally, only having to deal with DOT. (We at City Planning had to deal with both DOT and the MTA.)

Do you understand that simple concept now that I have taken the time to break it down for you into bite size pieces?

You also made the assumption that all my ideas fall between terrible and impossible WITHOUT ANY PROOF when you have no idea WHAT ALL MY SUGGESTIONS WERE. Again, that is a statement from someone who supposedly never makes assumptions.

You keep changing your position, constantly make false assumptions, diminish other people's accomplishments because of your own jealousy, make assertions with zero proof, make incorrect statements, and then lie about all that.

And Terrapin is the only one supporting you, Most everyone else here will agree with me regarding this post.


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