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Re: Dictatorship not Democracy

Posted by R30A on Thu Jun 9 20:05:21 2016, in response to Re: Dictatorship not Democracy, posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Jun 9 19:20:43 2016.

"Yes, an extra three minutes over the length of the existing bus lanes, assuming the average speeds are not lower for the portion of the lanes DOT chose not to include. For all we know, DOT chose the portion of the lanes with the fastest speeds and least amount of speed decline. So the question is why didn't they present data for the entire bus route if they have nothing to hide?"
Who knows? My guess? Substantially greater turnover resulting in less useful figures. Just a guess, but makes sense to me.

"Second, when the bus lanes are fully complete, the lanes will be extended by 150 percent,"
For the sake of argument, I'll take this at face value.

"so the three extra minutes become and extra twelve minutes assuming the speeds will not be slower where there are service roads."
NO. Arithmetic fail. MAJOR FAIL. 150% of 3 is 4.5, SO THAT IS 7.5 MINUTES. NOT 12!
(Also, there is no reason service roads would make the speed slower. If anything, it will make it faster as turning traffic would not be there.)

"Since the three lanes are not contiguous with slip lanes every quarter mile or so, we can expect greater delays there."
We can't assume this.

"So a 12 minute delay would most likely be a 15 minute delay when the lanes are completed, assuming no signal improvements."
A 7.5 minute delay which won't even be a 7.5 minute delay with the proper proposed reengineering, you mean. And why the hell would you assume no signal improvements?

"Any way you look at it, it is still at least a 38 percent decline in travel speeds which is very significant."
Any way you look at it it is not.

"It is ridiculous that drivers on a major arterial in NYC should only be allowed to travel at an average speed of 10 to 12 mph for a distance of eight miles especially when bus speeds are not significantly improved and in some cases are traveling even slower."
It won't be.


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