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Re: Dictatorship not Democracy

Posted by R30A on Thu Jun 23 20:36:35 2016, in response to Re: Dictatorship not Democracy, posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Jun 23 18:20:50 2016.

"You alleged that DOT did not present data for the entire bus lane because there was too much turnover, so don't say you made no allegations."
I made no such allegation

"You stated that was the probable reason."
I did not.

"You also stated DOT has no obligation to say for sure if that was the case."
That is correct, they have no such obligation

"Then when I accused you of stating that DOT zero obligation to support their conclusions, you denied it saying you never said they have zero obligation."
Correct, I never said they have no obligation to support their conclusions. They fulfilled it anyway, so it is irrelevant.

"But then you stated that they have no obligation to explain themselves."

"So as long as you continue to take every position possible, you are always right."
I have taken no contradictory positions, however I am clearly right.

"There are many in this city who has serious doubts regarding DOT's capabilities."
Yes. Many people wear tinfoil hats and believe in FEMA camps and that the CIA killed Kennedy. Many people think vaccines cause autism. Many people are going to vote for Donald Trump. Many people think Fluoride in drinking water is a communist conspiracy to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids.

"I have pointed numerous mistakes and flaws in their reports. Yet you have extreme confidence in them."
You have not once pointed out a significant mistake or flaw.

"Okay for you, but don't allege that that is the majority opinion in thus city."
Opinions are not particularly important here.

"I know personally of at least 25 individuals who have no confidence in DOR's abilities."

"Of course you can easily dismiss them all as quacks, which I am sure you will do."
Considering you correspond with such people, such is not exactly a hard leap to make.

"At least they know the correct spelling of the word " Glossary," which DOT does not."
Yeah, you really got the DOT on that one! I wonder if they know how to spell "this"...

"Go ahead and say a squirrel knows more than I do about transit and traffic, because up you have no real arguments. A squirrel didn't change ten bus routes for the better."
Exactly my point. Unlike you, squirrels did not have a substantial detrimental effect on the transportation systems of this city.

"I did."
So you say... however you take credit for the miserable old routing of the B36, so your judgement is obviously compromised.

"You are just plain jealous."
Yes, I am incredibly jealous. I wish I could have a nice retirement plan after being fully paid for decades to contribute nothing to the organization I work for.


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