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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Nilet on Wed May 7 02:22:34 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed May 7 00:09:36 2014.

It is true that some aspects of Israeli policy vis a vis the Palestinians are problematic, but you continue to ignore the fact that Palestinian policy vis a vis Israel is unacceptable if a peace agreement is ever to be reached.

What did that poor straw man ever do to you?

Because at present, Israel is the ONLY Jewish state in the world...


...and it is important that Jews, like other religions, have a place where their religion makes up the majority...


...their holidays are national holidays...

Why do they (or anybody) need government endorsement of their religion? That seems primitive and backwards to say the least.

...their culture is the national culture...

I thought Judaism was a religion. Now it's a culture too?

...their language is the national language...

And now it's a language?

...and where they can flee to if they find themselves persecuted somewhere else.

There are plenty of countries to flee to if one starts oppressing.

The simple fact of the matter is that no religion is entitled to control a country. Anywhere in the world. Ever. A single religion's adherents are likely to make up the majority of a given country's population given that most people follow the religion their parents told them to, but that's not the same thing as having a "Jewish State" and a "Christian State" and a "Muslim State." It's just natural demographic trends. Said natural demographic trends are also the reason Jews are unlikely to make up the majority of any country's population— it's sort of a niche interest, far less popular than the two fan sequels that rose to popularity through conquest, and not making up the majority of any country's population when you make up less than 1% of the world population is just how it works. The idea that a state needs to be established for the specific purpose of enforcing a Jewish majority within its borders is absurd.

Overall, there are almost certainly more atheists than Jews worldwide— especially if you count the apatheists who identify with the majority religion of their country but don't practice it and would admit they don't believe it if they actually thought about it. If Israel is going to be an artificially enforced Jewish State™ then there should be at least two Humanist States™ for all of us nonreligious people to go to— and the distinction between rational humanism and religiosity is much greater than the distinction between Judaism and, say, Christianity (which as far as I can tell are basically the same thing anyway).


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