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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Nilet on Fri May 9 13:22:04 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by 3-9 on Fri May 9 01:58:13 2014.

Israeli Arabs seem to live relatively peacefully in Israel. If all the other Arabs want to wipe out Israel, that's their fault.

Nope. Still racist.

No you're trying to MAKE a difference between two warring populations dividing their homeland and ... two warring populations dividing their homeland.

Yes, two warring populations divided their homeland. However, in a separate decision at best tangentially related to that, one country decided to declare itself a home for one limited and arbitrary demographic at the expense of any other. Which you can't seem to wrap your head around.

It would be a strain, but they would certainly try.

Good. Then it should have no trouble accepting, say, a tenth of that. Regardless of their religious persuasion.

So it didn't happen to you, therefore you have no idea what it's like, and it doesn't matter. Got it.

Sigh, I keep forgetting that you can't understand anything less subtle than an anvil to the face.

The point is, in 2014 there is no holocaust underway, so your hypothetical is irrelevant. If you modify your hypothetical to assume I'm in 1940, then it's irrelevant to the topic of this debate, as Israel didn't exist in 1940 and I'd have no problem with it prioritising refugees fleeing from the Nazis if it did.

Considering how anti-Semitism is still present around the world and even in the US to a degree, you've finally found a plausible scenario.

A genocide campaign happening in the US is no more plausible than Israel deciding that one sect are Real Jews™ and others aren't, or becoming a dictatorship or discriminating on a basis other than religion. After all, racism, sexism, and many other forms of prejudice are commonplace, religious schisms are hardly unheard of, and democracies do sometimes become dictatorships, especially when they have a lot of government secrecy and a habit of "targeted killings" of anyone they deem a threat.

If you're making long-term disaster plans for a potential genocide, then relying on the continued existence, stability, and acceptance of/from one particular country is probably not a good idea anyway.

I figured you just didn't have an answer as to how Israel, with its relatively limited resources, should suddenly pretend it has the size and resources of the United States.

You keep missing the point, that after being rejected by other countries, it's a bit hypocritical to build your own country and start rejecting others. Unless, of course, you're willing to admit to a double standard, but that's also wrong.


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