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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Thu May 15 12:20:52 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by Nilet on Wed May 14 18:44:41 2014.

Israel impoverishing Palestine and then blaming them for not being sufficiently dedicated to peace isn't one of them.

When are you going to realize that the Arabs attacked Israel the moment the state was created to try wiping it off the map in 1947, and also attacked in 1967 and 1973, and lost all three wars, yet haven't done much of anything to create a state in the land they do control?

You have yet to prove how the politics and prejudices in effect 70 years ago are relevant to Israel's immigration laws and Palestinian relations today.

Yes he has, as have I. You refuse to listen.

Really? Because I spoke to quite a few of them, and none reported being persecuted lately.

You should talk to the ones all immigrating from Europe to Israel, or the ones who were told to leave the Arab countries their families had lived for generations or else, or the Russian Jews who immigrated to Israel after the fall of the USSR, or the Ethiopian Jews, or...

So Jews are entitled to Israel because of some tenuous ancestral connection that's been heavily shrouded in myth

This is the kind of disrespectful bullshit you need to cut out. It isn't myth. Historical evidence suggests many aspects of what is documented in the Bible to be true and that the Jews have had a presence in Israel for thousands of years.

There are plenty of countries that can take in refugees— Israel only needs to take its fair share.

Israel is geographically closer to and more accessible to those seeking to flee their homes in places such as Africa. The refugees aren't choosing their destination with some sort of ratio in mind that doesn't create a difficult burden for Israel.

How would it reduce Israel's long-term viability to stop giving preferential treatment to Jews? Or at minimum, require that Jews actually be persecuted in some way before they get to jump to the head of the line for immigration status?

Shut up, and before you post another batch of BS, read this thread in its entirety and you'll have your answer. No one should have to explain this to you yet again.


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