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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by 3-9 on Fri May 9 02:44:38 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by Nilet on Thu May 8 21:15:36 2014.

Oops missed a bunch.

OK, suppose you're one of the Jews fleeing from the Nazis. You go to country after country looking for somewhere safe only to be turned away.

Your reaction to that appears to be "that's perfectly right and perfectly justified except that they did it to me."

Yeah, countries that said they were willing to take immigrants...except when it came to all those Jews. Turn them back.

As I said. While perfectly expected as an immediate response, it only perpetuates the same problem.

They have enough resources to solve one problem, that others failed to address. Try to solve all of them, they'll end up solving none. It's called overreaching.

If size and resources are a problem, then a gay Ugandan who will be killed in his home country should take precedence over a Jewish Canadian who thinks he'd get a more prestigious job in Israel.

And how does that hypothetical problem fit with the goal that Israel set for itself?

And announcing that you have a double standard is not the same thing as justifying it.

Still better than hypocrisy.

How so? If Christians became a majority in Israel, wouldn't the same arguments apply as they do to Muslims?

No, you put out a situation where the Israeli Christians started acting like comical fundies. Little different there, unless you're implying that Christians are naturally fundies?

The point is that a population that has suffered a long and painful history of being excluded and turned away should know better than to exclude and turn away.

See above about trying to solve all the world's problems.

Yes, and how many people who have distant Czech ancestry or identify as Czech are granted "right of return" to the Czech Republic in spite of never having been there?

If they have a relative in CR, they can return. Has there been a chronic problem with anti-Czech sentiments?

In the whole world, quite a lot. Last I checked, the world includes Western countries, so unless you're claiming the rest of the world has somehow gotten even worse it's a net gain.

Actually in some ways it has. Ever heard of something called Sharia law? Wasn't so popular before, seems to be more popular now. There's been some fun curb stomping in Asia too.

Western countries don't occupy as much of the world you think it does.

Moreover, you held up the Republicans as an example that historical progress is being reversed, so you should really be concerned with bigotry in the US— they can't roll back the tide of history even in the country they control.

Who ever said I'm not?

You know you can try doing that too, right? I don't think the Nazis were defeated by people who dismissed them as unchangeable human nature. In fact, the Holocaust would never have happened if a lot more people were a lot less inclined to see bad things as fixed aspects of the human race.

Yeah, the Nazis were defeated with military power. We didn't so much change their nature as smashed and hunted them down. You mean we should do that to change human nature?

If your policy is clear, you can't blame people for accepting it.

Point is, would Israel accept them or not?

Since they apparently have a naturalization process, it would depend on how many people would make it through. How many of these people you mentioned were turned down?

So Israel can take in hundreds of thousands of refugees in a short time span, but only if they're Jewish? What, does Judaism give you lower per-turn upkeep? Make you tastier to the Foundation?

Maybe the brains to make sure they have an achievable goal?


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