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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Thu May 8 17:19:01 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by Nilet on Thu May 8 09:09:12 2014.

Apples to oranges. In all of those cases, two demographics living in one geographical area didn't like each other, so they drew a line down the middle of the area to create one country for one demographic and a second for the other. Israel is a geographical area set aside for an entire demographic's worldwide population— a house party to which all of Demographic A is invited, not merely a line down the middle of the house to prevent disputes between its two residents.

I guess this wouldn't interest you since it occurred prior to 1967, which seems to be your marker for history, but in 1947, the UN did just what you describe in the British Mandate area of Palestine. The Jews accepted the proposal. The Arabs did not and went to war, they wanted the whole region for themselves. I wrote what happened next somewhere else in this thread. How come that isn't of interest to you?

You're nitpicking. "Exclusive use" is a deliberate exaggeration for dramatic effect. Muslims, Arabs, and Christians are allowed to live there, but their right to do so is curtailed so as to preserve a majority population of a decidedly unpopular religion.

We're back to drama and exaggeration now? Remember the Passover thread, that didn't go well. The rights of Muslims and Christians to worship and live as they please is not curtailed in any way within Israel's borders. They do not have the right to murder innocent Israelis in the name of terrorism however.

The "genuine need" for said Jewish state is the supposed oppression faced by Jews.

This oppression isn't supposed, it was quite real and Israel was created as a result. The need isn't gone now that Israel exists, either.

Maybe Israel should open its doors and welcome demographics facing enough oppression that they can't go build their own country.

Israel is meant to be a state for Jews to flee to when they face persecution, it can't possibly hold the doors open for everyone and anyone who needs to flee something, at least not to settle permanently. An unfortunate reality but one that is necessary in today's world.


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