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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Nilet on Wed May 7 15:16:39 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by 3-9 on Wed May 7 10:51:10 2014.

But just how many countries are really willing to take in a 6- or 7-figure number of Jewish refugees at once?

And where, exactly are these million Jewish refugees coming from?

You can probably find a million members of a demographic being oppressed in a particular area right now— how come Jews are so special they get an artificially enforced country on the off-chance they might be oppressed in the future?

If the vast majority of the people vote for a country like that, why shouldn't they have it?

Because there are individual rights not subject to majority vote. Come on, you know this. A majority of Americans might well vote to make America a Christian nation if they could but I doubt you'd support that.

If you can enough people together and a nice plot of land delegated to you, go for it.

Oh I'm sure I could find plenty of people who would rather have a country not controlled by fundies and aristocrats. So how do I get the plot of land delegated to us?


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