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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Nilet on Thu May 8 09:10:27 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by Gamera on Wed May 7 17:52:25 2014.

Name one Arab state that respects Jews and would let them live in peace within their borders.

Name one democratic Arab state. Theocracies don't count.

You know, there were several centuries in which Jews were far better off in the Muslim world than the Christian world.

That is theoretically possible BUT NOT PROBABLE...

If you lived in America, you'd consider it a lot more probable. So have you been following the thread about the court decision that explicit government endorsement of Christianity doesn't violate the 1st Amendment?

Given sufficient power and votes a constitutional amendment could be passed repealing the guarantees of freedom of religion that are in the constitution.

You're fooling yourself if you think a constitutional amendment is required for that. The Christianists have never tried to amend the constitution, they've simply had courts "interpret" the existing constitution as not meaning what it explicitly says; government endorsement of Christianity doesn't count as establishing official religion, mass spying doesn't count as warrantless search, military tribunals with no chance at even mounting a defense count as jury trials, and so forth.

Just because it is highly improbable here does not mean that it is improbable in other countries - particularly those where the people vote for theocratic parties / leaders... (Ayatollahs in Iran, Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt, etc...)

Republicans in the US.

We've got more democracy to dismantle and more protections of inalienable rights that have to be taken away slowly enough that people don't protest any one act, but the basic principle and end goal is the same.


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