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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by 3-9 on Wed May 7 16:04:07 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by Nilet on Wed May 7 15:16:39 2014.

And where, exactly are these million Jewish refugees coming from?


That's the Jewish population of the former Jewish state whose change in demographics has put in a majority of people who have been anti-Semites for decades. I ask again, which countries do you think will take in those refugees? What historical proof do you have that they will?

how come Jews are so special they get an artificially enforced country on the off-chance they might be oppressed in the future?

Why do you think it's an "off-chance"? They HAVE been oppressed in the recent past, anti-Semitism is alive and well in the present and shows no sign of dissipating in the future. Why shouldn't they get together to do something about it? Six million people died just because they were Jewish, and because the countries of the world largely failed them when they tried to escape. After that, would you decide to put your fate into the hands of other countries again?

Because there are individual rights not subject to majority vote. Come on, you know this. A majority of Americans might well vote to make America a Christian nation if they could but I doubt you'd support that.

No, they ARE subject to majority vote, at least indirectly. If by some horrid chance enough religious conservative lawmakers make it into the executive and legislative branches, there is a very real chance they can amend the Constitution to declare a state religion. That's the basis of how conservative pundits successfully spread FUD about the "Islamization of America" - it contains a (tiny) grain of truth which makes it look plausible.

The point is, any change can be done IF you get a big enough voting majority.

So how do I get the plot of land delegated to us?

That's your homework assignment. I suggest you start with money and tack on political connections.


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