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Re: TA is obsessed with CBTC, and ''New'' tech for no reason.

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Feb 28 22:27:21 2008, in response to TA is obsessed with CBTC, and "New" tech for no reason., posted by JournalSquare-K-Car on Thu Feb 28 22:08:34 2008.

I was once on a path train that dumped its air in the tunnels, and one that got tripped. Only the people on the train knew of this, NOBODY ELSE NEDDED TO KNOW. Once there was a trespasser in a conductor cab on a C train playing with buzzers, the CR got on the PA: that you partner? T/O:No must have been someone else. The buzzing stopped. no one reported it because it is daily bull that nobody cares about. It is meaningless in the grans scheme. Probably a CR cab door swung open, or someone got their hands on a key and wanted to fool around. There are lots of those keys floating around, even cops have them. I'd rather a boy who loves trains ride around in a train rather than doing drugs, shooting people, or being shot. There are more important things like maintanence, GUN crime, children without parents, crappy schools, and such, rather than an overrunning train, or a buzzing tresspasser(HAHA, sounds funny) to report. The TSS made the choice not to report it because it was probably a nervous TO, that didn't need any more stress. GET IT? THINK, dude, THINK! The TSS took care of the problem on a personal level rather than letting the issue be chewed up by the slow, crappy system. You would make a good, brainless pawn if you think everything is neatly reported. Like the assholes who give tickets to working people walking between cars in TERMINALS.


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