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Re: TA is obsessed with CBTC, and ''New'' tech for no reason.

Posted by North-Easten T/O on Fri Feb 29 07:40:25 2008, in response to Re: TA is obsessed with CBTC, and ''New'' tech for no reason., posted by JournalSquare-K-Car on Thu Feb 28 23:09:05 2008.

You want to know why the TA is spending money on the CBTC system, ask the Federal Government. They told the TA awhile ago that they will not pay money toes upgrading the older Signal system any more, because it's out of date. So the TA had to come up with a how put a new Signal System into system. Hence CBTC. CBTC is working right for the most part, it's not running the right way because someone who order the R143's did not order enought cars to do that they had intended to do with it. If they would have order about 100 more cars then CBTC would have been %100 working right now, But instead it's about %75 of what they wanted it to be. Another problem is that the R160a1's should have came in with the CBTC computer and started testing right away, but that was another over sight on the TA part. Ow we have to wait until the last 80 cars before CBTC will come in on them.

Once the CBTC system on the L line is working %100 you will see the difference. In the system from BWJ to CNR and 3rd Ave ad 8th Ave. if your in a CBTC train you can run 100ft behind the train in front of you. That is if it's is not a R160. The CBTC system keeps you back more because it does not exactly were that train is sitting on the CBTC block. I have come into station while the other train is moving out but still have a part of the back in so many times I can't any more. I still get a kick out of seeing the people faces when I do it. This it were CBTC save time by alwing you to do this and still keep the trains at a safe distence between of about 50-75ft. If you try to move any closer the CBTC will stop the train on it's own and I don't meen by dumping the brakes but just by putting the brakes on.

So in short CBTC is going to do more to save time once it's %100 working. I do see proff of it 3 days a week. How?

1)Trains are alowed to get closer together = Less time between train.

2)Trains do run faster in CBTC then when they are in BY-Pass, hence once all trains are working with CBTC the train will be faster, saving time on your trip.

There are more that I can put into this but I don't have time right now, so I will leave it at this. If you still don't beleave that cBTC is going to work down the road now then I don't know what else to tell you.


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