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Re: Major Amtrak derailment in Philly

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed May 13 01:20:59 2015, in response to Re: Major Amtrak derailment in Philly, posted by AlM on Wed May 13 01:09:39 2015.

Hard to say, and that's why we won't have any clues until after the sun rises and NTSB gets to check that out. I'll only offer that given the distance from the locomotive to its trailing cars where it landed, and the way the cars went over on their sides, it remarkably coincides with what we saw in the Spuyten Duyvil wreck.

I'm going on a basis of checking the street view of the tracks where the curve was, where everything landed and unless the rails were undermined and "fell over" then where things landed genuinely strike me as excessive speed until we know different.

I've been watching Channel 10 down there since I got off work and the most interesting part of what they were reporting, and what Mayor Nutter said along with an NTSB "reporter" from NBC in Washington is that an Amtrak official told them that (and I quote) "We (Amtrak) can download the data remotely" and then continued with the Washington DC reporter, "we are looking into possibly excessive speed at the location of the incident." Perhaps the Amtrak person misspoke to the reporter, but they DID get a quote out of that.

We STILL need to wait though until NTSB can look over the site tomorrow. On the Spuyten Duyvil wreck, what happened was very obvious once daylight broke and physics was obvious on the ground. The physics of where everything landed sadly looks remarkably similar. :(


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