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Re: Major Amtrak derailment in Philly

Posted by TerrapIN StatiON on Thu May 28 01:13:22 2015, in response to Re: Major Amtrak derailment in Philly, posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Thu May 28 00:43:12 2015.


Unless you're getting paid to be here, this is recreational, even if the discussions are "serious". You can get some serious political discussions going at a bar, doesn't mean it's not recreation.
Nope. You're wrong. People come here to discuss things, many of which are factual. Sure some people want to talk about their favorite trains, but that's ancillary to the main purpose of this forum (and others like it), which is to discuss factual/historical ideas and topics. Discussing which paint schemes the R-33MLs wore and when is not a recreational topic. It is a factual topic. No one is looking for bullshit and lies and opinions. They want to know the facts. And when someone comes along and posts things that aren't true and argues with the people who are much more knowledgeable on the matter and adds 50 posts to what would of and could of just been a 30 post thread that cut right to the heart of the matter, then that's wrong. If that person has any respect for the community, once they realize their error, they would admit their mistake, apologize for being an idiot, and learn from it so they try not to do it again.

You seem the be the only one who makes this place seem like work.

The rest of us, it's recreation.
No it's not. I don't make long factual posts. But many others do. Many others take great pains to present logical and informative posts full of facts. Are you minimizing and dismissing their efforts?

There are an infinite number of more productive things that can be done with the time spent here.
Wrong. This is a great place to go to find quick answers to esoteric subway questions that can't be found so easily, or at all, on Google. I can't think of any more productive thing to do in that regard.

Anyone taking this place seriously is just plain sad.
Almost all of the intelligent, regular posters take this place seriously. You seem to be quite out of touch with reality. It seems like this is some sort of defense mechanism kicking in on your part due to the fact that you've sometimes fallen flat on your face when you try to unnecessarily show me or others up.


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