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Re: Major Amtrak derailment in Philly

Posted by terRAPIN station on Fri May 15 08:30:34 2015, in response to Re: Major Amtrak derailment in Philly, posted by nostalgia on Wed May 13 14:08:34 2015.

Your post shows you have no reading comprehension.

I responded to the poster who wrote that the engineer thought he was beyond the curve and increased speed.
No, you responded to me.

I wrote that the engineer may have increased speed for the next curve. I NEVER wrote that going 60 in a 50 MPH curve would cause the derailment.
LOL. Let me bring it down to your level and fill in what you missed due to your non-existent reading comprehension ability.

1. SelkirkTMO wrote that he thought it looked like EXCESSIVE SPEED CAUSED THE DERAILMENT.

2. Jersey Mike replied to #1 and said that the "engineer would have had to have increased speed before the curve [in order for EXCESSIVE SPEED TO HAVE CAUSED THE DERAILMENT]."

3. Broadway Lion replied to #2 and said that "maybe he thought he was past the curve already, and increased his speed [high enough in order for EXCESSIVE SPEED TO HAVE CAUSED THE DERAILMENT]."

4. terRAPIN station replied to #3 and said "that's ridiculous [that he could have thought he was already past the 50 MPH curve far enough in advance of the derailment location to have had enough time to allow the train to increase in speed so much that EXCESSIVE SPEED COULD HAVE CAUSED THE DERAILMENT, especially considering that a speed significantly higher than 50 MPH would have been needed to be the sole reason the train flipped].[And if excessive speed was the cause, the speed increase likely would not have been because he confused ZOO with SHORE, though as unlikely as it seems, there of course still is a tiny chance that was the case. Which is why it was ridiculous to put forth as a serious significant possibility.]"

5. YOU then wrote that "It's entirely possible that the engineer increased speed for the 60 mph curve." Everyone before you was talking about an increase in speed great enough that EXCESSIVE SPEED COULD HAVE CAUSED THE DERAILMENT. You, due to your lack of reading comprehension skills, apparently did not understand this. I, always willing to give most people the benefit of the doubt, assumed that you HAD understood what everyone before you was talking about (as you should have) and thus made the following post.

6. terRAPIN station thus replied to #5 (you) pointing out how STUPID you are for thinking that 60 MPH would be considered EXCESSIVE SPEED that COULD HAVE CAUSED THE DERAILMENT.

In conclusion, maybe (just maybe - I don't have much faith...) if you stopped spending so much time on your misguided and just plain incorrect hate campaign against me and everything I stand for (truth, honestly, liberty, and justice), you'd have the leftover mental capacity to tell your ass from a hole in the ground. Moron.

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