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Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad

Posted by Nilet on Sun Apr 13 22:54:24 2014, in response to Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad, posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Sun Apr 13 22:33:25 2014.

It's the fact that in the media, advocates for illegal immigrants tend to equate these people to legal immigrants and argue that the guy who hopped the fence has the same right to stay in this country as somebody who went through the process legally.

Saying "it's wrong to equate legal immigrants with illegal immigrants and argue that the guy who hopped the fence has the same right to live here as the guy who got a visa" is like saying "it's wrong to equate slaves with free blacks and argue that the guy who ran away from his master has the same right to freedom as the guy who was set free by his master's will."

Obviously, the oppression of undocumented workers isn't nearly as bad as the oppression of slaves (so I don't want to hear that non sequitur) but it's the same category of mistreatment even if it's not anywhere near the same degree.

Your wussy bourgeois words don't work in the harsh world of realpolitik.

The point is that "illegal" white immigrants considered it right, just, and inevitable that they would settle in this country and kick out the people already there, and now their descendants are claiming it's wrong for "illegal" brown immigrants to settle in this country and live alongside the people already here.

And I'll give you a hint, my ancestors are from the place where the slave rebellion actually worked, so your accusations of calling me a white racist won't work either.

I don't care what your ancestors did; if you believe people shouldn't be allowed to live in America because they were born somewhere else, that makes you a racist. It doesn't necessarily make you a white supremacist; after all, race is a decidedly murky category in which people have been classified by superficial physical traits, ethnicity, ancestry, and perhaps even culture. However, it does make you a racist.


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