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Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad

Posted by Nilet on Tue Apr 15 14:25:41 2014, in response to Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Apr 15 12:36:06 2014.

It's you that use it differently than standard.

Then explain why the US counts as a country but the first nations don't.

It's absolutely illegal here in the US (and any other country).

The US law is on MY side.

Non sequitur. I've explained repeatedly that what the law says is irrelevant to what the law should say. Either agree to defend every law ever passed or stop spewing this nonsense.

You are the ones that seem to think that non legal residents here should have special privilege over people that followed the process of law to immigrate here. But since you don't consider the US government legitimate, it isn[t worth perusing with you.

It most certainly does...

So you're saying that might makes right after all?

But it doesn't work that way. here are different states, and different nations with real borders along that coast. Just because you think they are all illegitimate means nothing.

None of this actually answers my question. My question, by the way, was this:

For the sake of this example, we'll refer to a fairly arbitrary chunk of the east coast of North America as "Land." Any territory under the same government as that chunk is also part of "Land."

You claimed that the European immigrants to Land did not need permission from the existing inhabitants of Land before they arrived, but the current immigrants to Land need permission from the current inhabitants.

I asked why that was the case; you have consistently failed to provide an answer.

Now answer it.

Because, the laww states I am an American Citizen, as were my parents.

I told you many times before— what the law says is not justification for the claim that it should say that.

Explain why you should be entitled to automatic American citizenship that other people aren't, or shut up.

Absolitely. I can't just move to Mexico either without following ht e laws of THEIR borders.

So you agree that this is wrong?

Absolutely, and it's the same for any other country. But Just because you think they are all illegitimate means nothing.

Are you stupid or something? This is what, the tenth time you've drooled out this same non sequitur?

Yet millions do. This supposed imposible task.

Plenty of people win the lottery, but you wouldn't declare that an easy task and you certainly wouldn't make human rights dependent on it.

In practice, they can't. I know for a fact that I would never be able to meet the exacting standards for an American immigration visa and I doubt you would either.

So why should either of us get to live here for free?

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