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Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Mon Apr 14 15:01:32 2014, in response to Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad, posted by Nilet on Mon Apr 14 14:45:53 2014.

Excuse me? Um, I know you're a racist

What are you some kind of a leftist propaganda tool? You deterine if anyone is a racist because they think there needs to be a process for orderly entrance to a country? That same law is in effect for whatever non-US country you come from, and no matter the race SO please leave your name calling and accusations at the door you poor soul.

and all, but did you seriously forget that there were actually people living on this continent before all the colonists showed up? Or do you just think that they don't count?

There was a process. There were wars. Borders change. And many places were actually "bought" from the Indians.
Take New York for example. The Dutch BOUGHT it from the Indians. They then lost it in war to the British. The Americans won a war and got it from the British, and so forth. Do you think any country just always had the "people" that are there from the beginning. The borders of Europe for example changed many times too. Do you think the current borders don't count, just because they used to be someone else's borders, different borders? Do you think we didn't acquire Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona after the war with Mexico? Do those states and land still belong to the Mexicans too?

Actually, "this country" (in the sense of the legal/political entity "The United States of America") was founded by "illegal" immigrants— a fact that you ignored because apparently you don't think natives/first nations count as people.

No it wasn't. That is the most ridiculous argument yet. This is a country. Name a country that always existed and borders never changed, former people displaced. Name one. Borders change. They always have, but that doesn't mean there isn't rule of law in the new formation.

The point which you are apparently missing is that if you declare members of Race A are automatically entitled to a particular right, while members of Race B are entitled to that right only if they receive special dispensation that has to be earned through great effort

Who has special entilement? You have to follow the same process to come here whether you are Mexican, African, German, RUssian, Polish, El Salvadorian, or name a country or nationality. WHo has special entitlement?


Do you know how ito communicate without labeling people who debate or disagree with your assessment names or labels? You are a vile POS poor soul if you have to use that to attempt to be heard. It's sad actually.

OK, so suppose I decide to immigrate from New York to Hawaii. Would I be "legal" or "illegal?" Suppose someone else decides to immigrate from Guadalajara to Hawaii. Would they be "legal" or "illegal?" Why?

Hawaii is a United States STATE. If you don't know that, please look at your geography. Hawaii is not a different country. Is that too hard for you to understand?

OK, so you're racist against Russians as well as Mexicans. Big screaming deal. There's more to race than pigmentation, you know— race is a decidedly murky category where distinctions have been made based on ancestry and even culture.

Racist against Russians, you pPiece of garbage? What the HELLL is that supposed to mean? I used a random white country. It doesn't matter WHERE they come from. there is a process to become a member of this country, as it is with any country. That could be filled in with ANY country. WHy is it "racist" to agree with the law of the United states as set forth?

Arguing that racism is bad makes me a "far left extremist?"

But you aren't arguing racism is wrong. You are calling anyone against illegal immigration a "racist".

I always roll my eyes every time a racist claims that his opponent is "playing the race card."

Good for you as I roll my eyes when you feel the need of bringing race into any argument. You only see the world in terms of color and it's pathetic.


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