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Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad

Posted by Nilet on Tue Apr 15 16:19:01 2014, in response to Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Apr 15 15:47:40 2014.

Ancestry has nothing to do with it, as any ansestry can become a citizen if they follow the process.

You're just reasserting the same bullshit. The point is that there are two processes— an easy one for people of the "right" ancestry and a nearly impossible one for people of the "wrong" ancestry.

This is simple and undisputed fact; I'm not sure why you're too stupid to understand it.

If you don't like the law, run for some political office, blah blah blah blah

This is irrelevant nonsense. We are debating whether the law should be changed (or at least, I am; you don't seem intelligent enough to have more than a rudimentary understanding of the concepts involved).

From your statement, there are a couple possibilities.

(a) You don't realise that laws can be changed.

(b) You don't realise that people debate politics outside of the legislature.

(c) You think all laws are automatically right and just.

So which is it?

...you go balistic at people attempting to explain the law to you. I didn't make the laws.

OK, I know you're a moron, so let's see if I can explain this in words small enough for you to understand.

I know what the law says. It doesn't matter, because we're debating what the law should say.

I know you don't make the laws. This doesn't matter either. Every citizen in a democracy should know what laws they would support and be able to debate the merits of that position.

That is correct, as I am already a citizen of the US, and so are you apparently (god help us). We don't need to become citizens or legal aliens of the US as we already are.

You're dumber than a sack of doorknobs, aren't you?

The question is: Why are you entitled to citizenship automatically simply by virtue of being born while other people with different ancestry aren't?

That is the law. I didn't write it.

If you keep spewing this irrelevant gibberish, then I'm going to assume you endorse every law ever written.

There is no right or wrong ansestry. Anyone who isn't already a citizen is perfectly able to become a naturalized citizen, or at the least a legal alien. It's open to anyone.

As I stated, neither of us could meet the standards for an American immigration visa. So if American citizenship is equally open to everyone, how come we get to cut in line in front of all the people who do meet the visa requirements?

Bringing up the absurd does nothing to help you extremist irrational cause.

Heh, you pulled a Terrapin and took everything literally again. No wonder you act like such a moron.

Essentially, you need a visa.

Yes. That is correct. Glad you understand.

You simply ignored the part of the argument you found inconvenient.

If a visa is necessary, how come Bob didn't need one?

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