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Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Apr 15 15:47:40 2014, in response to Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad, posted by Nilet on Tue Apr 15 14:55:03 2014.

Are you thick or something? You've screamed up and down that the law says your ancestry determines your citizenship and you don't need to provide any justification for that, and now you're claiming it's the exact opposite?

Ancestry has nothing to do with it, as any ansestry can become a citizen if they follow the process. If you don't like the law, run for some political office, and if you get enough people as totally bonkers as you, you can win the election, and attempt to change the law. If not, then don't complain to me about the law, as I am explaining it to you. If you don't understand, then that is your problem. YOU are the one that as as thick as a board.

You're clearly hysterical. Maybe you should take a nap and calm down a bit and then you'll be able to have a debate like a rational person.

You are the one completely irrational. You aren't worth debating with, as you go balistic at people attempting to explain the law to you. I didn't make the laws.

And I already explained that I never did any of those things and neither did you. You apparently didn't notice.

That is correct, as I am already a citizen of the US, and so are you apparently (god help us). We don't need to become citizens or legal aliens of the US as we already are. That is the law. I didn't write it. But you are too thick to understand it.

he point is that there isn't "a" process, there are two processes— an easy one for people of the "right" ancestry and an extremely difficult one for people of the "wrong" ancestry.

There is no right or wrong ansestry. Anyone who isn't already a citizen is perfectly able to become a naturalized citizen, or at the least a legal alien. It's open to anyone.

You're the one who believes we should revive the Soviet Union and force everybody to live under a Stalinist dictatorship, so you're the real extremist.

See how easy it is to spew random bullshit?

Bringing up the absurd does nothing to help you extremist irrational cause.

Essentially, you need a visa.

Yes. That is correct. Glad you understand.


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