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Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Apr 15 12:13:56 2014, in response to Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad, posted by Nilet on Mon Apr 14 22:30:45 2014.

No, you banged on about how it's a US state without explaining why my ancestry should determine whether I have the right to live there.

MY ancestry and your ancestry or anyone elses has nothing to do with it. You freak. Since you already consider the United States government illegitimate, as well as it's 50 states, you are an ultimate extremist and this conversation isn't worth perusing with you.

No, not quite. You claimed there's a process one has to go through to live in the United States, regardless of what country your ancestors are from, so I asked you what that process might be for people whose ancestors are from the United States.

I already linked TWO sites on what you have to do to move to the United States, but since you consider the US government legitimate, it isn't worth perusing further with you.

There are laws that state you must have certain ancestry to be here. If you don't want to call that "race," it doesn't really matter. It's still wrong.

They do not. ANY ancestry can become a citizen if they follow the process. But since you consider the US government illegitimate, it isn't worth perusing with an extremist as yourself.

u argued that US law is non-racist by definition, so I cited them as a counterexample.

But it is not, and you did not. But since you consider the US government illegitimate, it isn't worth perusing with an extremist as yourself.

Fine. Say "ancestry" instead of race. It really doesn't matter.

And it doesn't, as any ancestry, or race can become a citizen of the US if they follow the process if they come from another country. But since you consider the US government illegitimate, it isn't worth perusing with an extremist as yourself.

OK. Bob wants to be a US citizen. What is the process of law by which Bob becomes a US citizen?

I already provided two links. Read them. But since you consider the US government illegitimate, it isn't worth perusing with an extremist as yourself.


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