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Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad

Posted by gp38/r42 chris on Mon Apr 14 21:42:59 2014, in response to Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad, posted by Nilet on Mon Apr 14 21:28:16 2014.


No, I determine that someone is a racist because they think they think a society established by white people is a "country" whose laws have to be obeyed, but the society that those white people forcibly displaced doesn't count at all.

And you are completely absurd. Why is country in quotes? You are so out there that believe we arent a country? So you are saying our whole country is an illegitimate country with no right to a rule of law.

If you're not a racist then answer this: Why do people who want to live in North America today need permission from the people already living on the continent,

Because "north america" is not a country. ( just as africa isnt as YOU pointed out. People jn one African coubtry cant just move at will to another without rule of law eitherr. There are several individual countries on the north american continent. Canadians can't just take up residency here at will nor can Mexicans. They both have to go through the rule of law. It gas nothing to do with race as much as you want to make it about race.

Ah, it doesn't matter what race you are— if you're not part of this race, you aren't allowed to live here.

Totally not racist.

Who is saying certain races can't be here? The same law applies to ANYONE coming here. Why should one group have ant extra privledge than others? You are saying one country has a right to come here without documentation and rule of law but others can?

So you're arguing that might makes right? Not racist, I admit, but also not much of an improvement.

So you are saying the British didn't win the war with the Dutch? You are saying the Americans didn't win the war with the British? The same thing with borders happened in Europe either after centuries of wars? And everywhere in the world. None of the current borders are legitimate borders with rule of law for each individual country? How out there does this make you sound.

No, I think land doesn't "belong" to specific races period.

And who is saying it does? The United States is a country of all races. Who is excluded from it? A naturalized legal former Mexican citizen is just as much US citizen as anyone else.

You keep consistently missing the point.

The point is this: Name a city. It could be any city in any country. Name any six people who want to move to that city. Do they all have the same right to move to that city or do some need special permission while others don't? If so, why? On what basis?

Anyone from any country can apply to immigrate to the US. We have a process. I gave you a link to that process to l;egally enter...legally. why should people who don't follow that process cut in front?

I do. You do. If you think otherwise, then explain exactly what the "process to come here" is and show that you went through it.

I am a naturally born citizen. I don't have to go through immigration. That is the rule of law. A black person born here is equally a natural born cituzwn . And anyone else. A nauralized citizen is one that legally came as an alien....and went through naturalization to become a citizen. Anyone can do that too if they came from another country. What don't you understand about that?


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