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Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad

Posted by Nilet on Mon Apr 14 14:45:53 2014, in response to Re: Conservative Jeb Bush Notices Racism Is Bad, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Mon Apr 14 09:57:46 2014.

Utterly nonsensical. There was no "government" here for anything to be "illegal".

Excuse me? Um, I know you're a racist and all, but did you seriously forget that there were actually people living on this continent before all the colonists showed up? Or do you just think that they don't count?

Forgetting how absurd the argument is to begin with, how many direct decedents f the very early settlers do you think are here. Decendents? All white people are related to eachother?

Ah, I was wondering why you accused me of being a "know-it-all" in my response to Terrapin earlier. Turns out you have a habit of taking things literally too!

What a brainwashed white guilt piece of shit argument for one...

"White guilt?" Yep. You're definitely a racist, alright.

...second, MOST of the "white" people here are decendents of LEGAL immigrants. Millions of them came especially starting in late 1800's and early 1900's. Most are decendents of THEM. A category of "white people", you completely left out of your argument, the majority no less.

What makes them "legal" immigrants? Which first nations did they get permission from?

Or if they were "legal" immigrants, then what makes the current group of immigrants "illegal?" I'm sure most of them got permission from somebody to be here.

Why is ILLEGAL in quotes.

Because despite my repeated requests, no one has managed to explain why it's "illegal" for someone to move to an apartment in New York even though I did just that without anybody claiming it was wrong.

All Hispanics (brown people?????) are not ILLEGAL. Many are, many are not. And to lump them all together is disgusting. You fail to see the difference between ILLEGAL immigrants and LEGAL immigrants, especially putting "quotes" around ILLEGAL.

You're the one declaring a subset of people to be "illegal," so you have absolutely no right to call anything "disgusting."

If there is a difference between "legal" and "illegal" immigrants, then what is it?

If they did not go through the process that is required for immigrants to come here, they are ILLEGAL. If they went through the process and everything they have to do to come here, they are LEGAL.

What process? And why is it required? I never went through any process to live here. Does that mean I'm "illegal?"

You are defending those that cut the line in front of all the many LEGAL immigrants that come here...

I "cut in line" across quite a few people who wanted to come here, and I'm sure you did too. Does that make us "illegal?"

This country was built on immigration, LEGAL immigration, of many different nationalities and races.

Actually, "this country" (in the sense of the legal/political entity "The United States of America") was founded by "illegal" immigrants— a fact that you ignored because apparently you don't think natives/first nations count as people.

They came LEGAL, and you are dumping them into the same pot as those that came here ILLEGALLY

If there's a distinction between "legal" and "illegal," then what is it?

As I said, I moved to a new apartment and no one claimed this is "wrong" or "illegal," so why is it illegal if anyone else does it? What exactly did I do to be considered "legal" that the supposedly "illegal" people didn't?

No it does not. Your FAR LEFTIST propaganda aside, there aren't blah blah blah blah blah

The point which you are apparently missing is that if you declare members of Race A are automatically entitled to a particular right, while members of Race B are entitled to that right only if they receive special dispensation that has to be earned through great effort, then you are racist, and pointing to the handful of members of Race B who have "earned" the right that Race A receives automatically doesn't make you less racist.

Illegal WHITE Russians shouldn't be here any more than Mexicans...

OK, so you're racist against Russians as well as Mexicans. Big screaming deal. There's more to race than pigmentation, you know— race is a decidedly murky category where distinctions have been made based on ancestry and even culture.

Being against ILLEGAL immigration is not against IMMIGRATION.

OK, so suppose I decide to immigrate from New York to Hawaii. Would I be "legal" or "illegal?" Suppose someone else decides to immigrate from Guadalajara to Hawaii. Would they be "legal" or "illegal?" Why?

And it makes you a FAR LEFT EXTREMIST...

Arguing that racism is bad makes me a "far left extremist?" What's wrong, you're upset that Olog is crazier than you and want to give him a run for his money?

... so out comes the race card.

I always roll my eyes every time a racist claims that his opponent is "playing the race card."


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