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Re: Attention all B36 Bus riders

Posted by R30A on Tue Apr 19 22:27:31 2016, in response to Re: Attention all B36 Bus riders, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Apr 19 19:50:10 2016.

"First of all it's 260 feet, not 200 feet."
I measured it. 207'

"Second, Westbound the bus presently has a signal at E 17 Street, one at East 15 St and Sheepshead Bay Road and another at East 15 Street and Avenue Z. That is three traffic signals."
And Sheepshead Bay Road and Jerome doesn't exist? That is four signals.

"As proposed, straight along Avenue Z, there are signals at East 15, 16 and 17th Streets, also a total of three signals. Zero percent increase."
3 to 4 is not a 0% increase. Furthermore, going straight at a signal is a substantially smoother process than turning at said signal, especially if it is a left turn onto a two way street, so comparing the number of signals you pass by is meaningless. It is the turns at those signals that are a problem, and will inevitably get you stuck.

"Eastbound there is a signal at East 14 and Sheepshead Bay Road, another at E 15 and SBR, and a third at Avenue Z and East 15 Street, total of three signals.
As proposed straight along Avenue Z there are two signals, one at East 14th and another at East 15th. So there wound be a saving of only one traffic signal in the eastbound direction and none in the westbound direction."
Same number of signals perhaps. But as I point out above signals aren't the only issue here. The substantially longer distance, the substantially greater amount of traffic in front of the station, for NO SIGNIFICANT BENEFIT WHATSOEVER is the issue here. So yes, I comfortably state that this certainly benefits more than it hurts.

"So you are incorrect in using the plural (light cycles.)"
No. (see above)

"Your second statement is also incorrect."
It takes a minute or three minutes.
One minute for an average walker. Less than a minute for people in shape.

"to walk the extra block unless you believe pedestrians do not have to wait for two green lights that would be required."
Why would they have to wait for two green lights when half don't have to cross the street twice?

"The bus also takes an extra minute under the current routing."
Except it doesn't. Anyone who looks at how things are working here can clearly see that it is a lot more than a minute.

"So at best pedestrians could walk the distance in the same amount of time and at worst, it would take an extra two minutes."
No, because both of your estimates are off.
"But as I pointed out, more importantly, those extra two minutes might make the difference between you catching it missing a train or bus adding up to 20 minutes to your trip if you miss either."
Yes, which is why it is best to reroute it as it will be faster for those people, as well as for those who might miss their connections to the F N or D elsewhere!


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