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Re: Attention all B36 Bus riders

Posted by R30A on Wed Apr 20 09:33:51 2016, in response to Re: Attention all B36 Bus riders, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Apr 20 08:38:52 2016.

"Your 207 feet does not include having to now cross Avenue Z. The MTA measured it at 260 feet."
I was measuring the increase in distance.

"Okay I left out a signal"

" and it is true that it is the turns that add time,"

"but considering all that, buses are only delayed a minute or two the most,"
Blatantly false.

"worthwhile considering the added benefit which was why the turn was put in in the first place"
There is no added benefit.

"and the MTA has not had any problems or complaints with it in 38 years."
False. It has been a problem for 38 years.

"Everyone getting off the B36 going westbound would have to cross the street twice. First at Avenue Z and again at Sheepshead Bay Road. One minute to walk and a possible one minute waiting for both traffic lights to change."
But two minutes ends up taking less time than the ridiculously routed bus. Eastbound isn't as bad, but it is less of a walk. And all of that leaves out the fact that MOST PEOPLE aren't even making that walk!

"I took videos yesterday of the buses turning during the evening rush hour and there is no traffic congestion there whatsoever."
LOL. Again, a single instance does not make a trend. And based on your prior attempts to show videos, I doubt it will in fact show what you are stating!

"After traffic is rerouted to Avenue Z, there will be even more cars there and the buses will travel slower."
No. Turning is what ends up causing more traffic and lowering speed. How you still don't get this is mind boggling.

"It wil, not be faster if the bus went straight on Avenue Z because of the resulting increased traffic."
No. It will be faster. A LOT faster.

"It will also be slower for transferring passengers."
No. It will be faster too. Admittedly not nearly as much as for people remaining on the bus.

"You are wrong on both counts."
No. (see above)


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