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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by R30A on Thu Mar 10 11:03:21 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Mar 10 09:45:58 2016.

"As I explained at least three times already, in order for drivers and passengers to outnumber bus riders by only two to one in a 24 hour period which is the only period that needs to be addressed for a 24/7 proposa all cars cannot have any passengers and no car can be turning on or off the roadway. If you believe that is what is actually happening, there is no talking to you because you are just hopeless."
Nobody ever said there are no passengers in any car, nor has anybody said they are all staying on the whole time.

"It doesn't matter what the peak hour is, BECAUSE THE PROPOSAL IS NOT ONLY FOR THE PEAK HOUR. Get that through your thick head!!!"
It DOES matter what the peak hour is, because the peak hour ACTUALLY IS THE ONLY HOUR THAT MATTERS FOR CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS.

"No one is designing for peak hour capacity. THE PROPOSAL IS FOR A 24 HOUR PERIOD, again. If the lanes were proposed only for the peak hour, the discussion would be very different."
No, they are in fact designing for peak hour capacity. That is a universal truth of planning- You design based on your peak capacity.

"Of course the numbers of people crossing the street has a SIGNIFICANCE. By adding islands and medians and bus bulbs at this corner, you are inconveniencing about 60,000 vehicles during the peak hour by cutting capacity for general traffic by 50 percent from 12 lanes to 6. If you count passengers, the number is even higher, more like 80,000 in order to help 60 people crossing the street that has not even shown to be dangerous. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO JUSTUFICATION for what is proposed at the intersection of Metropolitan and Woodhaven."
A. There is NO REDUCTION in capacity at Metropolitan. NONE WHATSOEVER. The intersection at Metropolitan WILL BE ABLE TO MOVE MORE CARS THAN PRIOR TO THIS PROJECT.

"Turn lanes certainly are part of capacity. And there is now a dedicated right turn lane WHICH WILL BE ELMINATED WITH A BUS BULB."
No. The Right turn lanes at metropolitan are being retained with Woodhaven SBS. The bus bulbs are AFTER the intersection in both directions.

"Right turns will have to be made from the through lane instead requiring through cars to slow down reducing capacity through the intersection."
Except they won't be. They'll be made from the right turn lanes.

"And people cross a street because there is reason to do so. NO ONE IS AVOIDING CROSSING THE STREET BECAUSE IT ISN'T SAFE. The notion that crossing this intersection is unsafe is UNSUBSTANTIATED AND UNPROVEN."
No. it is a blatantly unsafe intersection, but that is besides the point. Pedestrian safety is not the only purpose behind the Woodhaven reengineering.

"There is no merge that is being eliminated south of Metropolitan. There are presently two lanes in the main roadway and two lanes in the service road south of Union Turnpike. The two lanes from the main road and one lane from the service road goes to the overpass. The other lane splits between the service road and a right turn to Union Turnpike where virtually all traffic from that lane goes."
Yes, Woodhaven narrows down to three lanes immediately to the south. That is exactly my point.

"Adding a bus lane creates a merge from three lanes to two lanes if there is a bus lane between Myrtle and Union Turnpike."
It creates a merge from three lanes to three. Which isn't a merge.


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