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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by R30A on Thu Mar 10 15:39:16 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Mar 10 15:22:14 2016.

"If you look at the numbers DOT provided the only possible scenario for drivers to outnumber bus passengers in a 24 hour period is the scenario I outlined and already explained to you.
For the fifth time, if the peak hour is all that matters, then the proposal must apply to the peak hour only which it does not. IT IS A 24 HOUR PROPOSAL AND CAN ONLY BE JUSTIFIED WITH 24 HOUR DATA."

You repeat it over and over again, but that does not make it true. 24 hour data is wholly irrelevant to capacity concerns. Only the peak times actually matter. YES, EVEN FOR THINGS IN EFFECT 24 HOURS.

""The intersection at Metropolitan WILL BE ABLE TO MOVE MORE CARS THAN PRIOR TO THUS PROJECT." ABSOLUTELY NO DATA TO SUPPORT THAT AND IT DEFIES ALL LOGIC. When can I sell you the Brooklyn Bridge? You believe every bit of nonsense DOT utters."
Same through capacity based on lane structure as there is a bottleneck immediately to the south. There will be the elimination of the left turn cycle, so there will be greater capacity.

"The right turn lane will also be the through lane so cars will have to slow down."
No. Right turn lane is separate from the through lane. Three through lanes, 1 right turn lane, so no, cars will not have to slow down.
"With a bus bulb and a bus lane and no left turn lane, only three other lanes reman which means one of the through lanes will also be act as a right turn lane."
No, The three through lanes will be through lanes. Right turning cars will be in the right turn lane. There is no bus bulb before the intersection. The bus bulb is AFTER the intersection in both directions.
"Therefore cars going through the intersection in the right lane will have to slow down if the car ahead makes a left turn. That slows down traffic and increases air pollution. So saying there will be separate right turn lanes IS INCORRECT."
No. Left turns will be prohibited, so this does not happen.

"Show me one iota of proof to show the intersection. YOU HAVE NONE. It is blatantly unsafe only in your mind. Where is your data? You don't even have an anecdote. You shouldn't spend money solving a problem that doesn't even exist."
The purpose of this project is NOT to make Woodhaven and Metropolitan safer. It is to make Woodhaven as a WHOLE safer, faster, and for bus service to be significantly improved.

"Yes Woodhaven narrows to three lanes which is why no bus lane is proposed for the overpass."
Which is exactly why 6 lanes, if there were such, would be useless here.


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