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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by terRAPIN station on Wed Mar 16 13:47:44 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Mar 16 11:46:32 2016.

So you admit that you DID say it was ok to use peak hour data? THANK YOU. Thank you for admitting you were wrong. Now was that so hard??

"Capacity is not the only issue. Traffic speeds is just as much an issue and to determine if traffic speeds for general traffic will go down in the off peak, you need off peak data."

WTF? First of all, speed is related to intersection capacity in this case. This is not a free-flow uninterrupted roadway. This is a roadway made up of segments that are connected by signalized intersections. If the LOS of the major flow decreases beyond a certain point, then generally the overall average speed to cover several segments will decrease as you will spend more time delayed at signals. So you don't need to look at "speed" specifically. Yes, generally travel time runs are done for corridor studies, but that is mainly to help calibrate the existing conditions model and to provide data for the air quality and noise analyses. It is not for the purposes of predicting an exact change in average speed for the future conditions. And even if you do create average speed predictions using modeling software, I doubt they do it for off-peak periods.

All that said, assuming that there is normally less traffic in the off-peak than in the peak, there's no need to do an off-peak analysis unless the traffic patterns are substantially different. You'd look at the weekday AM and PM peaks, often also at the weekday midday peak, and sometimes also at the Saturday midday peak, especially if there is a lot of existing or proposed Retail use in the area.

So once again, for a 24 hour proposal, as you like to call it, there is no need to analyze hours such as 11pm and 3am. There's also no need to see 24 hour count totals except to determine which hours are the peak hours.


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