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Re: Dorothy Kilgallen

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Nov 18 11:25:05 2015, in response to Re: Dorothy Kilgallen, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Nov 17 15:56:08 2015.

All I can say to that is that we don't know the reasons for everything that happens in this worlld and to think that there couldn't be explanations for phenomena we don't understand is naive if that is the correct word. The reason I come to that conclusion is that while I woudn't consider myself psychic in the least, I have had about a half dozen dreams in my life that have remarkably and unexplainable come true. One was a friend committing suicide five days before he did and his mother calling me to tell me he had a heart attack and in reality spoke the same sentence word for word. It was the only time she ever had phoned me.

Another was meeting someone at a high school reunion. Six months prior to the event he spoke the exact same words as in the dream. And this was someone I barely knew in high school. When I woke up, I had to rack my brains to figure out if such a person ever really existed because I barely remembered him. And there were several other predictive dreams where what happened wasn't exactly what happened but similarly close to it.

I don't really believe in pre-determination, but I can't think of any possible rationale explanation of how dreams could come so close to reality. There also was a situation when my sister had a dream the night before that I was mugged and described the events so realistically I thought she was putting me on and actually witnessed the event.
You may not call it "supernatural explanations" but what would you call them other than coincidences which I could believe can happen once, but not on so many occasions. There has to be another explanation other than I am old and senile and manufactured all of these events in my brain which is what I expect you to say. But you know what? If you don't believe me, I really don't care.


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