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Re: All Transit Closing at 11 Tonight

Posted by Wallyhorse on Tue Jan 27 02:25:49 2015, in response to Re: All Transit Closing at 11 Tonight, posted by The silence on Tue Jan 27 01:33:29 2015.


With this storm apparently fizzling out considerably, this is not going to look good for Cuomo. It would not surprise me if key donors make it clear to him to ONLY do this in the future if it is a Sandy-like storm that really does threaten the system or face unintended consequences that could include withholding funds from a possible Presidential campaign in the future because of this type of a shutdown making it impossible for some people to get to work and in the process teeing off clients and costing companies money.

Oh, and the post-Christmas 2010 blizzard had the snow totals upped to 15-18" by Christmas Morning (after being 6-10" Christmas Eve Night) and it was known in weather circles that it was going to be a huge storm. It was not that widely known until Christmas Night, however, due to the fact that many local stations only did an 11:00 PM newscast that day because of the holiday. Unless you were like me and happened to be watching special webcasts (notably Glenn "Hurricane" Schwartz on WCAU-TV, NBC10 in Philadelphia who actually came in on his own as I remember to do those in that case) on Christmas Day, you were not as likely to be aware of how much that storm had exploded and how dangerous that storm was about to become (and since then, as noted local stations have kept a regular schedule on Christmas Day after never previously having done so for the most part because they didn't want people to have to come in on Christmas Day until late).

I stand by my view that had it NOT been Christmas, the MTA would have been much more aware of how big that threat was because people would likely have been monitoring it much more closely and would have had access to normal media (which in a similar situation now they would) and would have properly prepared for that storm. including shutting down the portions where the stuck trains happened.


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