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Re: All Transit Closing at 11 Tonight

Posted by Michael549 on Tue Mar 24 13:21:24 2015, in response to Re: All Transit Closing at 11 Tonight, posted by r30a on Tue Mar 24 12:21:15 2015.

While I agree with your point and others who have made similar points, I am simply wondering a much more basic question.

Just why is this topic even coming up again?

Most folks have simply forgotten about the subway closure, and whatever impact it had was felt and dealt with a long time ago. Most folks these days are looking forward to the coming spring, and the soon to be summer months. Most folks these days when they think about transit will concern themselves with the newest rise in the transit fare.

I do not understand just why this topic is an issue now!

To keep harping on a dead subject that was discussed, debated and closed weeks ago - boggles the rational mind! Why are we still talking about this? There has to be better topics or subjects of transit lore, history, politics, operations, etc. to discuss!

If we're going to bring up long dead resolved postings, why talk about the following:

- The usual rant to revive the Brown M-train - that's good for a days discussion.
- The usual rant about the slow, ultra slow completion of the #7 to its new 34th Street terminal.
- The usual rantings about building a new Penn Station without spending a dime to do so.
- The usual rant and predictions about in what century the fully completed Second Avenue subway will open, and which of our grand-children will be there to actually ride it.
- The usual rant about connecting or not connecting Staten Island to the rest of the subway system.
- The usual rant about building additional rail tunnels to/from New Jersey.
- The usual rant about the new home of the Transit Museum, not that there's any money to do so, or that's there's a better location, etc.
- The usual rant about reviving long closed railroad lines and providing service on those lines.
- The usual rant about which subway system was better - IRT or IND! This was always good for a few weeks of arguing, name-calling & spirited debate.
- The usual rant about Robert Moses! There has to be a long dead topic around that we can revive, to revive the spirit of Rober Moses!
- The usual rant about the World Trade Center! There's usually loads of stuff to talk about, argue about or rave about!

I know that this is a short list! I'm sure that I missed a few of the usual "brought up from the dead and revived" rant type topics!

Yes, I am being sarcastic! However the basic question remains.

Just why is this topic even coming up again?



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