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Communism will save America

Posted by Scrabbleship on Sun Nov 21 23:04:38 2010

But America still thinks it's 1955 and won't consider Communism. Imagine an America where murderers are instantly executed. Imagine an America where greed is illegal. Imagine in America where homelessness and lack of healthcare are nonexistent. Imagine an America where everyone has a standard lack of living and we have a job pool of millions of felons to work for little wage on public works. The SAS would be done already if we had cheap inmate labour.

The USA is FUCKED unless major change happens. Since we won't racially profile and put in major reforms or bans of lobbying and corporate greed, I can't think of another solution. Please open your minds and consider Communism as a solution to our ills. McCarthy was mentally ill and was un-American for trying to subvert the Constitution.

Until we admit Obamacare is the best and end the TSA, I will mull registering as a Communist. A good 20 or so years of Communism will fix the US and will help us rediscover what we should be. The current state of affairs eliminates all the fun elements of being a Commie.


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