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Re: Communism will save America

Posted by JayMan on Mon Nov 22 23:08:13 2010, in response to Re: Communism will save America, posted by Olog-hai on Mon Nov 22 22:47:44 2010.

What it actually sounds like is the Basic Rights, Freedoms and Duties of Citizens of the USSR, right out of the USSR's constitution. And just like the USSR's constitution, those rights are given by the government and do not belong to the people, and they could be taken away at will by the government. Those rights do not include habeas corpus. And perhaps more dangerously than the USSR's constitution, the Charter of Fundamental Rights has Article 52 section 1:

Any limitation on the exercise of the rights and freedoms recognized by this Charter must be provided for by law and respect the essence of those rights and freedoms. Subject to the principle of proportionality, limitations may be made only if they are necessary and genuinely meet objectives of general interest recognized by the Union or the need to protect the rights and freedoms of others
. (emphasis added)

I highlighted the key point here. The Charter has provisions that states that these rights afforded by the Charter, if limited by laws of any of the member states, cannot grossly infringe on said rights. The Lisbon Treaty finally brought the Charter's rights into force. And further, it does not state that it can override rights already guaranteed by the member states, such as the aforementioned habeas corpus.

The key difference in your comparison is of course that the Soviet Union was an autocratic society and did not have the democratic framework to ensue that the rights were actually given to the people.

No, it's not a superior system. We're suffering right now due to the dearth of industrial jobs. Those were sold away to China by leftist politicians and leftist union leaders for the purpose of advancing communism; weakening the USA means that communism can advance. The location of jobs is the sole thing that makes Europe (and even China) appear better off to people over here.

Come on, you're not serious with this? Weakening of trade barriers and exportation of jobs overseas has been a corollary of the right-wing. Manufacturing jobs are never going to truly come back to the States because the (rightly) high American standard of living makes American labor too expensive. There is no real way to stop that tide in the long run. OTOH, the policies started by Reagan like supply-side economics and the erosion of marginal tax rates have pushed most American wealth to rich, leaving the country gutted of a vibrant middle-class, who drive consumption. It is these policies that drove manufacturing jobs away. So I'm afraid you've got it all backwards.


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