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Re: My Route Suggestion of the Old Abandoned LIRR Rockaway Beach Branch

Posted by NIMBYkiller on Thu Jul 27 22:53:00 2006, in response to Re: My Route Suggestion of the Old Abandoned LIRR Rockaway Beach Branch, posted by J trainloco on Thu Jul 27 17:30:32 2006.

Remember, the Q60 bus just goes via Queens Blvd, and down Sutphin a little bit, just like the originally trolley did, and yet, it is PACKED. I know it sounds crazy, and it's hard for even me to believe, considering both LIRR and the subway are there, but a reversion of the Q60 to LRT would work(only problem is how to get it to Manhattan, since everyone here says the 59th St bridge can't handle the weight of trolleys anymore).

I would say the only downfall to LRT on the Rockaway ROW is the lack of a tunnel to Manhattan, yes. That's the only reason I would say subway is better. However, if there was some way into Manhattan(such as the 59th St bridge), then I think LRT would be the best bet.

And just because you don't think a certain place in a boro isn't practical for LRT, doesn't mean you're right. Look at the bus lines, the ones that have frequent service and run on roads that are wide enough to support LRT. Don't you think that it would make sense to convert these lines to LRT? Maybe the Bronx needs a crosstown line? I believe in Brooklyn, the crosstown buses are packed. If one of them can be converted to LRT, don't you think it'd be worth it?

Hey, I am all for a trolley around Coney Island. I think it would be a great tourist attraction. I think it could even be tied in with an LRT/trolley line along the Brooklyn waterfront if/when the Gowanus is sunk, and tie that in with the downtown Brooklyn area trolley project.


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