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Re: My Route Suggestion of the Old Abandoned LIRR Rockaway Beach Branch

Posted by David of Broadway on Fri Jul 28 08:45:42 2006, in response to Re: My Route Suggestion of the Old Abandoned LIRR Rockaway Beach Branch, posted by NIMBYkiller on Thu Jul 27 22:53:00 2006.

Is this a problem in search of a solution or a solution in search of a problem?

What are the problems with the Q60, how would your proposed solution solve them, and what new problems would it cause?

You've addressed the first question in remarkably little detail. (Sure, it's crowded. But where? And why? And does it remain crowded with the same people for long distances or is there rapid turnover?) You haven't even touched the other two questions.

Once we've gotten through those questions, we can embark on a cost-benefit analysis.

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