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Re: oops. the full post. (Re: My Route Suggestion of the Old Abandoned LIRR Rockaway Beach Branch

Posted by WillD on Sun Jul 30 03:15:36 2006, in response to Re: oops. the full post. (Re: My Route Suggestion of the Old Abandoned LIRR Rockaway Beach Branch, posted by David of Broadway on Sun Jul 30 02:24:54 2006.

A bus lane may provide savings in capital expenditures but it provides no savings in operational funding. Even then a mile of roadway isn't much cheaper than a mile of shallow slab LRT track construction, so you're mostly paying for the ancillary items to get the LRVs going. The Orange Line busway in LA ran around 20 million dollars a mile, while the Pittsburgh Airport Busway (which doesn't go to the airport) cost them 50 million dollars a mile, the Portland Streetcar cost roughly 25 million dollars a mile. While PSC uses a relatively low capacity Skoda Astra vehicle the same construction techniques could just as easily be adapted to create a system running high capacity 30 meter Citadis, Combino or Flexity vehicles for less than 30 million dollars a mile. The cost of procuring LRVs (which would decrease if off the shelf, standardized vehicles were used) and building the support facilities, which PSC and Tacoma Link demonstrate need not be overly large, would likely be saved by the decreased operational cost of the vehicles themselves.


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