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Re: Ready for the S55 reroute & the new S89 on Staten Island.

Posted by RyogaRidesTheMTA on Fri Aug 24 21:40:47 2007, in response to Re: Ready for the S55 reroute & the new S89 on Staten Island., posted by Bill from Maspeth on Fri Aug 24 21:24:22 2007.

I know for a fact operators at both LIB and Staten Island Depots cut the rear door cords leading from the tapes to the controls. There have been eyewitness reports for that, and that's why there has been a crackdown at LIB (heard there was a major driver shuffle, probably due to this) plus the rear doors have been gradually being fixed correctly (no more electrical tape and exposed wiring in an attempt to fix them.

The fixing process seems to have gone through at Yukon since everything else has been fixed, from what I heard, but every Yukon bus I've been on lately has had the cords cut. I still have yet to find a bus with a box around the cords, as I heard they would install.

I know the stop request tape have been fixed and covered with a box around the cords, but in two separate buses I've been on, the operator has the bells locked out, and one actually admitted to keeping them off (after I asked him to turn them on) because "they slow [him] down." I don't know what he meant by that, but most likely if he misses more stops, he finishes his trip faster? I don't know.

Why can't operators like that think about the passenger? I'm sure many a Staten Island passenger has missed stops due to this problem, and were probably yelled at by the driver ("You didn't yell, so I didn't stop!" or something like that). I really hate drivers with that mindset, by reversing the blame for anything that goes wrong.


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