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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by R30A on Tue Mar 15 14:29:12 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Mar 15 13:50:52 2016.

"Obviously false in your mind. You are the one who is making obviously false statements not me."

"A proposal for the peak hour requires peak hour data. A proposal for the peak three hours requires three hour peak data. A 24 hour 7 days per week proposal requires 24 hour 7 days a week data and if there are seasonal fluctuations additional data is also needed."
No. Peak data is what is needed.

"To say that a 24 hour 7 day a week proposal only requires data for one peak hour a day IS TOTALLY FALSE. That much is plainly obvious."
Plainly obviously false. Do you still not understand what peak means?

"What you say about not having to analyze parallel routes but "just looking at it" makes no sense."
You don't HAVE to analyze anything. You just keep on repeating that the MTA/DOT doesn't analyze specific things that you claim they should. You don't have to do any deep analysis to see that when SBS route ridership has gone down, the parallel routes ridership has gone down similar amounts, sometimes substantially moreso.

"So you are now saying that SBS increased the average trip length now?That may make sense if ridership went up. BUT IT WENT DOWN.
So you must np e saying that SBS discouraged short distance trips. If so, where did they go? Certainly not to parallel routes. So they must have gone to car services. That certainly doesn't signify success."
No. I am saying none of those things. I am saying that the B44 SBS project almost certainly has resulted in longer distance riders taking the SBS buses over the local buses.

"And talking about bus travel time savings you are only considering the times on the buses. You are ignoring extra walking distances and the greater possibility of missing a bus and waiting for the next one."
Walking distances are not significantly greater. Possibility of missing a bus is not greater either.

"SO YOUR TEN PERCENT REDUCTION is skewed and doesn't tell the entire story such as those with longer trips by passengers previously using the Limited and now switching to the local since the introduction of SBS."
No. No reason to assume passengers will switch to the local.

"Anyone traveling to Kings County and Downstate Medical Center, two heavy traffic generators were just some of the populations who were hurt."
No, they weren't hurt. Just because you are lazy does not mean that some would not prefer a faster ride that lets one off two blocks away.

"They obviously did no calculations when they eliminated Avenue L and residents had to fight for a year to get it back."
A. It is not obvious that they did not do calculations.
B. They didn't have to fight for a year to get it back.

"And when the closest SBS stop is a half mile away, SBS is not accessible."
Not true. I have certainly walked a half mile to bus stops on many occasions.

"The counts certainly do exist. They are right here:"
Those aren't real counts. For counts to be believable they must have been taken by someone who has not demonstrated the inability to count to 4. Hell, even in the comments, people are showing how your counts are absolute bullshit.


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