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Re: Greyhound/Trailways Runs

Posted by metrolinecoach111 on Fri Aug 15 21:16:15 2014, in response to Greyhound/Trailways Runs, posted by BusRider on Fri Aug 15 20:30:52 2014.

Short answer = yes.

Long answer = both companies operate independently of each other on the driver side, but share revenues, terminals, schedules and (in this case) buses on the front end.

With Adirondack, there are several different configurations for Albany-KIngston-New York.

1. There are a few locals based out of Albany and New York that operate NY-Kingston-Albany local via Route 32, round trip. It runs as a 5 and 2, or 5 days on, 2 days off.

2. There are local Kingston-New York runs that operate via Route 32 based out of Kingston. These also run 5 and 2. These include the Hudson Valley commuter runs.

3. There are Albany-New York express runs that operate express. Some of these are 5 and 2, and there may be one or two that are 6 and 1 (6 days on, 1 day off).

4. Finally you have the NY-Albany-Montreal runs, both the express and the local via Saratoga/Glen Falls/Plattsburg. These are based out of NY and typically run 4 and 3.

With Greyhound, its either option 3 or 4 listed above, but worked out of New York but with the following configuration in the case of NY-Montreal:

5 drivers operate one single run but on a rotation (Greyhound LOVES driver rotations) - each driver does a 4 and 2 (4 days on, 2 days off rotating.

There are 1 or 2 runs that start in Albany, but that's it. In any case, a run is typically performed by an extra-board driver 50-60% of the time.

I hope this helps.


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