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Re: B44 Progress Report Released

Posted by BrooklynBus on Sat Jul 16 11:51:15 2016, in response to Re: B44 Progress Report Released, posted by fdtutf on Fri Jul 15 16:25:28 2016.

Except that your evaluation of the "track record" is totally WRONG. You are talking about someone who has a Masters in Urban Planning from Columbia, who has spent 11 years studying Booklyn Bus routes full time professionally, and who was responsible for the largest number or significant Brooklyn bus improvements in history until 1978. Someone who was hired by the MTA because of this experience and worked there for 25 years. Further he singlehandedly saved the MTA $4 million by finding a double payment error which the accountants missed and was the only one able to understand the overly complex payment schedule.

It was so unintelligible that the head of Car Overhaul and the contractors couldn't even decipher it so it was referred to a team of lawyers on both sides who concluded my interpretation was correct and the $4 million was due the MTA. I also assisted in recovering and additional $38 million through insurance claims.

After retiring 12 years ago, I had published numerous articles and letters in local newspapers, not to mention the one in 1975 in the New York Times about bus numbers. I wrote weekly for Sheepsheadbites publishing nearly 500 articles. If it all was a bunch of crap as you seem to think, they never would have allowed me to keep writing for that period of time. I firmly believe it was all my anti Vision Zero articles that got someone in the administration to apply some pressure to have me stop writing because the truth was embarrassing them too much.

So in summary, I dare anyone of you to show me how your "track records" are superior to mine. You are just full of hot air and that goes for all my critics to constantly misstate what I write then accuse me of making statements I never made like pedestrian lives do not matter.


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