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What happened to Astoria line last night?

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Feb 24 11:40:46 2015

Does anyone knw what happened to the Astoria line yesterday afternoon. My friend recounted this story to me how her usual 30 minute subway ride took her one hour and 45 minutes from 57 St-7th Avenue.

She was waiting there for the N or Q when she hears an announcement that Manhattan bound trains are not running due to a sick passenger at 30th Avenue in Astoria. That doesn't pertain to her trip so we waits 15 minutes without a train.

Then there is another announcement that due to the sick passenger, Astoria bound passengers should take a southbound train to Times Square, then board the Number 7 to Queensboro Plaza for the N and Q. So now she is thoroughly puzzled why a sick passenger on a southbound train in Astoria woud affect northbound service and if there are no Ns or Qs from 57 Street, why would trains be running at Queensboro Plaza?

Not trusting the MTA, she instead boards a northbound R to Steiway Street to board the bus which shoud operate on 20 minute headways. She gets off the R and checks BusTime. It shows all six buses on the route running southbound. She regrets not getting a screenshot.

Figuring BusTime can't be correct, she waits for the bus, because she has no alternative other than a cab. I don't know how long we waited, but it could have been up to an hour. Finally a bus arrives with te next bus please sign followed by all the other five buses on the line.

Remember, this is an ordinary day, no cold weather plan and no scheduled track work.

I asked her to write to the MTA for an explanation.


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