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Re: SEPTA to spend $100 million on PTC (unfunded federal mandate); other projects take hit

Posted by J trainloco on Thu Mar 1 22:51:57 2012, in response to Re: SEPTA to spend $100 million on PTC (unfunded federal mandate); other projects take hit, posted by Jersey Mike on Thu Mar 1 12:32:28 2012.

I honestly can't believe some of the responses in this thread. Mike, I don't know what you do for a living now, or what you plan to do, but if you ever thought you might want to hold some sort of management position at a transit agency, or really any entity that provides a service that has a component of public safety, you'd better pray that the posts you just made never get seen by your superiors. You really think that one of the reasons we don't need PTC is because human lives are only worth about $2 million? That's not just wrong, it's downright disgusting.

To address the issues, I don't see what the big deal is. PTC can be implemented in many ways, and once you're starting to get into cab signalling, PTC isn't that far behind. Its ironic that you are always railing against CBTC, yet it would be the cheapest way to implement a PTC system. It's also peculiar that while you rail against the cost of PTC, stating that collisions are rare, as Will points out, you seem to have no problem with FRA regulations that force added cost onto commuter rail procurements and disallow the mixing of light rail with heavy rail. Where's the outrage over that long standing 'unfunded mandate'?

The big argument against this is because it's an 'unfunded mandate'. So what? Unfunded mandates have been around for quite some time, and they serve to protect the public from interests that only care about the bottom line. Things like requiring drivers licenses, fall protection rules on construction sites or provisions of MSDS's are all 'unfunded mandates' that most rational people would agree we all need.


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