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Re: To Everyone Who Has Health Insurance Through Your Employer (includes MTA)

Posted by Broadway Lion on Sat Jan 28 12:53:54 2012, in response to Re: To Everyone Who Has Health Insurance Through Your Employer (includes MTA), posted by RockParkMan on Sat Jan 28 11:50:50 2012.

I'd rather SMASH the government!

There is NOTHING wrong at all with our health care system which is by far and away the best in the WORLD, and there is nothing wrong with our "insurance" system, although according to me it is NOT insurance, but is rather a payment scheme, which is also ok.

Many people use more and more health care in this country, the LION included, seeing doctors for things that I would have otherwise suffered through on my own. So not only is it costing more, but I have "super-sized" it if you will.

That said there are people who cannot afford either medical care or the so-called "insurance". This is an issue that MUST be addressed, but you are addressing it to the wrong party. It should be addressed by the state and the welfare agencies. If a person is on welfare they SHOULD HAVE state supplied insurance. It should be as good as mine, although people with more money might buy better coverage, or the could, like my friend, Rush Limbaugh, simply do without insurance and simply pay bills out of pocket.

Paying out of pocket is not as outlandish as it sounds. I pay $600/month of "insurance" or $7,200/year. Do I use that much health care that I could not pay that sum out of pocket? Over a five year period that would be $36,000! Do I use that much health care in five years. If not, why would I want to buy insurance, why not just put the money into savings, earn interest on it, and pay cash as I need to?

And if I did not save that money, and I did need say heart surgery, the hospital would have to cover me anyway, and I could then work out a finance scheme with them to pay for their service.

In the END, it is you who will pay, by insurance, by finance, by tax, or out of pocket: It is ALL THE SAME!

You really do NOT need to see the doctor as often as you do, but I have, it seems, chosen to do so. So I pay for it. Mostly at the moment in the form of higher insurance premiums.



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