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Re: To Everyone Who Has Health Insurance Through Your Employer (includes MTA)

Posted by brightonr68 on Sun Jan 29 21:03:34 2012, in response to Re: To Everyone Who Has Health Insurance Through Your Employer (includes MTA), posted by Broadway Lion on Sat Jan 28 12:53:54 2012.

"If a person is on welfare they SHOULD HAVE state supplied insurance. It should be as good as mine"

The problem is that government oversight of the medicaid plan was zero. Worst than zero, the politicians were profiting from turning a blind eye to medicaid fraud.

The gov underpay docs and dentists which leads to fast and sloppy service. Since people did not complain, the poor quality service continues.
In many cases people who go to medicaid dentists have far worse teath then those who don't go to dentist at all. Why? If a dentist drills into a tooth that has a minor cavaty or none at all and does not properly clean out the hole before filling it actually leads to root canal in few years

"Paying out of pocket is not as outlandish as it sounds. I pay $600/month of "insurance" or $7,200/year. Do I use that much health care that I could not pay that sum out of pocket? Over a five year period that would be $36,000! Do I use that much health care in five years. If not, why would I want to buy insurance, why not just put the money into savings, earn interest on it, and pay cash as I need to?"

Very true, but the reason it is called insurance is that if god forbid you contract CANCER, your medical bills will be in the hundreds of thousands quite quickly and then what.

The system is not as broken as people make it out to be. If we cut down on fraud, limit frivilous lawsuits that it is cheaper to settle then win, over testing we could bring costs down quickly and more people could afford medical insurance.

I agree with the mandate that everyone pay into the insurance system similar to car insurance or set up a medical savings account.

What I don't agree with in Oboma Care is that the does not reduce real costs(reducing cost by reducing quality is not reducing the cost of the service). It is a tax and spend scheme

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