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Re: Interesting electoral vote situation

Posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jul 10 23:07:05 2016, in response to Re: Interesting electoral vote situation, posted by bingbong on Sun Jul 10 21:51:53 2016.


Denial is not a river.

It's your state of being WRT this.

Face it, trumps negatives are very high and remaining so. He does not have coherent policy points that are capable of chnaging minds.
Where did I say otherwise?

Do you want your kids to have a chance to grow up or not? It really does come down to that. In many ways, not just the nuclear war thing.
What does this have to do with me? Why do you make everything so political. I simply stated, as did others, that you are wrong that Trump can't possibly win. YOU ARE WRONG about that. That's not political. It's just fact. You need to see the difference between politics and reality. I'm not political on this forum. I deal with reality.


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