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Re: Israel Losing the PR War

Posted by Nilet on Sun Jul 27 22:25:35 2014, in response to Re: Israel Losing the PR War, posted by subfan on Sun Jul 27 21:53:23 2014.

You know, you're really quite amusing. It's entertaining to watch you try to create "facts" to fit your warped views, when anyone with an open mind and a modicum of intelligence can see what you're doing.

It's a pity that open-minded intelligent people are in such short supply on OTChat, then. We're stuck with an overabundance of people like you, declaring that you have absolutely no evidence that I'm wrong but you know I must be because I disagreed with you and the idea that you might be wrong is unthinkable.

Having lived in Israel for the past twelve years, I can tell you with absolute confidence that other than the lunatic fringe (consisting of over 90% populace), ALL Israelis would be willing to give land for true peace - however painful they'd find giving up such land.

I didn't say anything about Israelis. I said that Israel, as in the government thereof, is deliberately targeting civilians. You don't need to tell me what individual Israelis believe— they're more than capable of telling me themselves.

The reason most Israelis oppose giving up such land is because of what's happened each time they've done so - the land was used as a staging ground for further attacks on Israel.

Oh please. Israel has never made any meaningful gestures towards peace, at least not within the last few decades. On the other hand, Israel has a long and varied history of "defending" itself by attacking first and then pointing to its victim's inevitable retaliation as proof that it posed a threat to them. See: Gaza for the most recent example.

So, I've answered your false allegations about Israel...

No you haven't. You've just asserted that they're false and spewed a bunch of gibberish.

...but you have not, and can not answer my points about Hamas, since there is no answer to facts.

You haven't made any points about Hamas.

I'm proud of my and my son's ser vice in the IDF - an army that while not perfect, goes above and beyond to maintain its morals.

Yeah, so does every army. You know, I'm pretty sure America's military trains its soldiers to disobey illegal orders. Of course, they make sure the soldiers know they're not actually supposed to disobey illegal orders— America's military gives illegal orders all the time and any soldier who points out they're illegal will be locked up for insubordination.

Although I'm glad that you're just as proud of your soldier son as the Palestinians are of theirs.


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